티스토리 뷰

But it leaved a record had a chance to Korea's Unification twice once picked up just before the reunification of the United States helped barge China helped North Korea in late'll split into the current North and South Korea second in the North and East is also network with the Soviet network Romania chawooseseuku couple trying to asylum is also being caught in a gun rampage in China is also growing as the situation as it is now before the North Koreans have died of starvation

It begins a "full-scale propagation torture" → Thus danghamyeonseo torture victims to die the moment to finish a miserable life. ※ While there are victims of a barely subsistence expenses in accordance with the characteristics of individual criminal organization. ※ It is available on the things they have to almost all the psychological manipulation of people by propagating weapons. ※ e brainwashed: Use the radio to enter the information in the brain cells of the victims of forced technology ※ Mind modem:

It was the people who speak the truth as dosanim to 24 hours unlawful surveillance danghamyeo killed Various in vivo danghadaga perfect crime to buy that for 10 years since the Kim Dae-jung administration in secret killer corruption police special branch of various in vivo against the people of Korea and the perfect crime now must pay astronomical pension until the scale is very large and fraud by hitting the regime caught Moon Jae incorporated into vicious killers commie regime entering murderer Police mighty NIS also was killed as investigations are, the investigation jonggyeolgwon and national taxpayers 'money, such as national taxpayers' money rogue debt culprit avoid the same blood the reason that killer massive police reinforcements are also hit by fraud stories the truth as dosanim

Technical jeonsuhan inde advanced technology from Japanese companies that are at least a few years should take just to the mast in one year and going to the interview report received a great shock followed was a society in which the hopes and dreams that he is as successful as efforts but struck fraud caught regime Moon Jae vicious killer commie regime supporters, take this there are normal people trying to succeed by working hard the axis of evil that must be eradicated until his death that taxpayers' money to get out to the public, such pensions astronomical avoid corruption and Welfare East breadbasket iron officials

High huge surgery risks and take off of the thigh muscle frontalis surgery dialing edaga forehead also strange eye and eye are discomfort does not come down even bear scars and surgical higher recurrence rate was yitto it also loosened after three months to die force If frills look to find a way to live, but to be good daughters lived ever gonna doing've lived my mother, so is her daughter made a personal gipijeung and depression

I graduating beating civil service exam immediately passed when a man East Welfare officials born as a male world wide to do is Lotta pathetic as to despise that musty Welfare same officials are working hard to do with a break if you sat earns a lot of money on Sundays efforts such hard self-employed employees are independently wealthy and learned one is self-employed enterprises, such as efforts by the rich elite engineers and researchers are hard, such as Sony, micron

I commit multiple murder look him over once the chip implants in vivo haneungeo! The scam hit the regime caught Moon Jae vicious killer seoseul conference commie regime rental apartments when tenants tenants in it penetrate more than dozens of reasons to see it look like a fortune glass beads commie receive instruction in vivo rent apartments pay utmost trying screening of biological subjects Marie Korea citizens There and in vivo against rental apartment residents recently in the murder also in vivo danghadaga continue to tell the police killer

11:36 went into the Gwanghwamun proof video jjikeulsu eopja accurately killer corruption police command killer embeulreonseu siren noise naemyeo receive jinaganeunde presidential scam hit the regime caught Moon Jae around like an evil killer commie regime of sin is maneuni killer police bus screens, and I bathroom mask killer cop and one after another came in yawning and according to him the exact atmosphere sh many seniors live in rental apartments and recently released reasons Lightning Saga invisible loneliness arrived 106 receives the first floor second floor organization stalking murder Directive

Corruption police guys there and balak trying murdered perfect crime by abuse of power and public power, but inde sky watching and dosanim story know exactly the truth that 100% is the fact people can not engage in murder people witness NIS female employees followed at the time of the opposition which was evil commie fact that the National Intelligence Service followed exactly why should surprise the public could identify where the private detective looks better job shadowing hangeotdo sy not followed in the NIS chief information pinpointing the time period followed these facts,

The evidence is well know! 9:34 arrived Dongdaemun Station ministry illegally followed commie to haunt captured and accurately fire engines look once haneungeo noise naemyeo haunting siren Kyobo turn even wait exactly on duty Murderer Police in paperback and face hidden commie illegal surveillance by a black mask and emergency killer police bus illegal Trump ROK trained mind to wait andeundago Parking remarks exact reasons and Moon Jae-un North commie regime of peace and yet the exact reason for the public lightning maengbinan that dialogue with the world's superpower United States taryeong to share information and identify the best in the world
